Wednesday 31 March 2010

My 22nd Birthday! ^^

On 12.02 it was my 22nd Birthday.

The night before my birthday (11.02)...
KYOTO AIESEC members celebrated with me in the welcoming dinner they organized at a Japanese Grill Restaurant near Hyakumanbian close to Kyoto University.

The food was very yummy, I had my first okonomiyaki in Japan!
I also went to Kyoto University for the first time.
To my surprise, I got presents from Hiroyuki and Taku!
That was so nice of them! I like both of the presents very much!
It was also someone else's birthday, so we celebrated together.

Kyoto University at night.

This is a surprise present from Sawada san!
He gave it to Hiroyuki before he left for Shanghai so I could receive it in my birthday party!
It's a very cute Hello Kitty Hanadoll! =)

On my Birthday 12.02...
I had to work at PC Support with Hayami san.
She was very nice to have invited me for lunch at her favourite Italian restaurant!
I was surprised again that she bought me a very nice present!
I got 2 very cute handkerchiefs from her, she said its important for girls to have their own handkerchiefs as its not popular to dry your hands with tissue after you wash your hands in the restrooms.
I really love them, one of them was white in very good quality cotton from Celine, the edges were in pink lace, I love it.

After work...
I was asked to go back to Image Works Office, and I was SURPRISED the 3rd time when they brought out a candle-lit cake and wished me a happy birthday in the office!

I got a present from Takekuma san!
Hahah I was so surprised that it was from GUCCI! I was all O_O oh no, it's such an expensive present I cannot take it!

And... it turned out to be SENBEI (Japanese rice crackers) inside! hahahah !!!

Me with my colleagues at Image Works!

I had such a nice birthday this year.
Eventhough I was all by myself in Japan without my family, I felt very warm because my colleagues and friends in Japan were so kind and thoughtful to have organized all these for me. I am very touched that they took the time and effort to celebrate my birthday with me. Thank you! <3

Sunday 28 March 2010

A weekend with AIESEC Members

AIESEC (the biggest international student-run organization supporting student mobility) has helped me out a lot even before my arrival in Japan, and needless to say, guided me in my life in Japan. I joined AIESEC when I was in Vienna, there I got access to an international online job data base where I found my opportunity to go on an AIESEC Exchange in Japan. AIESEC has offices around the world run completely by students, students work in teams supporting the AIESEC office. Internships are raised by the committees and AIESECers around the world can benefit from the database.

I was lucky to have found a matching internship from the database and contacted the AIESEC member who's responsible for the job in Japan (known as the TN Manager), Hiroyuki (my TN Manager) was helpful in many ways. He guided me throughout the application process, as well as information regarding life in Japan. We became good friends and I was also in contact with more members of AIESEC Kyoto through E-mail even before my arrival. They were very friendly and I am happy to have known them.

In my first weekend in Kyoto, they took me out to the Kyoto downtown, where the shopping streets were found and I was so excited to have seen many new things and people walking in their traditional Japanese kimonos!

My First Bus Journey in Japan (This is a machine where you put in your money/day pass)

My First Kyoto City Bus Day Pass!

Arriving in Downtown Kyoto!

Thursday 25 March 2010

Week 2

Thank you for reading my blog!

This is an update of my second week of work at Image Works.

During the second week, I had the opportunity to attend the company's university students recruitment presentations.

I traveled with the company staff to Osaka for the first time and I was glad to be there. University students from around Osaka came to the presentations, and I was responsible in greeting them. They were young and ambitious, all showing enthusiasm in working for Image Works in the future. They came in formal business suits and presented their CVs at the reception area.

About 60 students came per presentation, and we held about 3 presentations everyday, each takes about 2 -3 hours.
The presentation begins with the welcoming speech from the President of Image Works, Sawada san. It is followed by the presentation of the individual representatives of the different departments of sub-companies about their respective departments.

After the students get a better picture of what Image Works group does, I was introduced in the closing speech by Sawada san. I also had a chance to self-introduce myself as an intern at Image Works, I mainly talked about my personal background, my motivation to work in Japan and in Image Works, and my duties at Image Works.

It was an amazing experience and I learnt by watching my colleagues present. They were all very good presenters and I realize group evaluation and team-spirit is highly respected in Japanese companies. I was glad to be part of the company and all our presentations were very successful.

Evaluation forms from students were filled out with comments and suggestions for the presentations. They were carefully studied and improvements were implemented already in the following presentations. The company is very fast and adaptive to changes. Image Works is very flexible.

In my next entry, I will continue to tell you about my internship journey at Image Works as well as my life in Japan, please keep reading!

Thank you for your support in advance!

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Week 1

Hi everyone,

Thank you for reading my blog.
I will update you with my 1st week of internship at Image Works Group.

Image Works Group includes several companies:
-Image Works Co., Ltd.
-ITC (IT Communications) Co., Ltd. (Internet contracting agency)
-PC Support Co., Ltd. (Technical support team)
-ECO Works Co., Ltd. (Introduction of Solar Panel for homes)

In my 1st week, I worked at PC Support Co., Ltd for a few days.
As the company contracts through a network of property agencies (Fudousan); I went with my colleague to visit them.

We work from 9:00 to 18:00 daily; sometimes, over-time work is necessary.
We traveled around Kyoto, Osaka, and several cities closeby to do follow-ups with contracts from property agencies.

Not only did I understand the work of PC Support Co., Ltd much better in those few days, I also went to many places and saw a lot more of Kyoto and its surroundings.
It was a new experience for me to take the city buses and trains.
Japan has a very developed transportation network, and it was very convenient to travel around.

Travel expenses are relatively high in Japan; but it is borne by the company.
We fill out a reclamation form after work everyday, and the transportation expenses paid will be refunded to us.

It was a great experience working in PC Support Co., Ltd.
My colleagues there were very kind and friendly.
They have helped me a lot despite my poor Japanese language skills.
I especially want to thank Hayami san for having taught me so many things and having been so nice to me.
The other employees have also been very nice.
I look forward to meeting them again in Hanami (the Japanese flower festival).

The unique Kyoto Tower near Kyoto Station (close to PC Support office).

The beautiful Kyoto Station.

The Kyoto City Bus stop.

Viewing terrace at Uji Station.