Sunday 9 May 2010

Working Life in Japan

One of my internship goals it to learn Japanese business culture by working in Japan.

Everyday, I see many Japanese business people and through talking with them I think that they are very hard-working and contribute a huge part of their lives to the company.

Life in Japan isn't easy, especially with the fast-paced of life, strong competition and rapid developments.
Doing business in Japan require strategies, patience and strength.

I once attended a contract deal meeting with my boss, Sawada san, with different companies, including NTT (one of Japan's leading telecom), Plala etc.
In order to close a deal, meetings after meetings were held to finalize things.
I first thought that too much time is spent on meetings as time is very precious in Japan;
but I learnt to know that it is time well-spent as both parties understand another's needs more after each meeting and aim to accommodate each other better in the next meeting.

The search of a "win-win solution" in the Japanese business culture is one of the most respectable value in my opinion.

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