Sunday 27 June 2010


My internship at Image Works ended on 18.06.2010, I'd like to thank everyone at Image Works and AIESEC Kyoto for your help and support in the past 4.5 months. 

I especially want to thank Sawada san for the ichiban internship at Image Works, thank you for helping me with Japanese and for giving me the chance to learn about Japanese business culture. I also want to thank your family Yuko san and Taku for all the nice memories, and I look forward to meeting you all again very soon! 

I really appreciate everything aiesec Kyoto has done for me, especially Hiroyuki and Taku, who have helped me a lot in visa, accommodation, as well as every little thing in life. 

Lastly, I want to thank everyone at Image Works, especially Miki for always putting a smile on Shu Mei's face. I was so happy to be in the office everyday, because there I got to see all the kawaii & gakuii staff at Image Works & ITC! :) YOSH!

Thank you for the best farewell party, it made my internship perfect from day 1 to the very last second. 
ありがとう ございました!

さま さま な こと に ちょせん する, この  internshipで  さわだ さん や  さわだ さん family Image Works staff  とく に みき さん と ふくい さん と はやみ さん aiesec kyoto member とく にひろゆき たく まみ に とても おせわ に なりました.
わたし は とても かんしゃ して います.
 ほんと に , ありがとう ございました!

さわだ さん が にほんご を お しえて くれました ありがとう ございました!

みな さん これ から も がんばって ください ! シュ メイ  も  がんばります!
どうも どうも ありがとう ございました!

Gochisou sama deshita!

Thursday 17 June 2010

Sayounara, Image Works...

Today is my last day at Image Works...

In the past 4.5 months, thank you everyone for taking care of me and teaching me many new things.
Osewa ni narimashita, honti ni, arigatou gozaimashita.

I will miss everyone at Image Works and the beautiful office very much!

Today, I got my last salary in Japanese yen!!! :)

40,000 yen! :))

Thank you everyone for reading my blog.
Arigatou gozaimashita! Osewa ni narimashita.
Sayounara, ki otsu kete!

Monday 7 June 2010

Last 2 weeks at Image Works

It's already 8th June today...
I received my last salary payment...

Only 10 days of work left at Image Works, and I am slowly preparing to go back to Vienna.

I have already finished the market research for Japanese language schools and their affiliated agencies in China.

Now, I'm trying to finish up the translation work for the website content.
I really hope the translation will be useful for Image Works in creating an English website. Or Chinese too.
I believe, if there is an English/ Chinese version of the website, we can attract more customers, especially those who do not speak Japanese.

In Japan, it can be difficult to get internet access if you don't speak Japanese. Because a lot of internet agencies only speak Japanese.
So I hope Image Works/PC Support/ITC can help these people in the future and add value to society; just like its mission statement says.

Thursday 3 June 2010


It's June.
I cannot believe time goes by so quickly, I'm leaving on the 21st.

Starting next monday, it will be my last 2 weeks at Image Works... how I wish I can stay longer!

In the past 4 months, everyone has been very kind to me.
I am very very thankful that I have found this Job because Sawada san is a very kind and understanding person. I have gained a lot of experiences and seen many new things. Mochiron, also many oishii na tabemono mo tabemashita! :)

At work, I have mainly done market research and translation for the website and PowerPoint presentations; I really hope they will be useful for Image Works in the future.

Sadly, one of my colleagues who is Chinese has left the company.
I will wait for Haga san about our next step in the market research on Monday.

Also, on 13 June, AIESEC Kyoto will hold an Internship Interview-Meeting with Image Works. I will attend with Sawada san and we will present to you about our company and my internship. If you are interested, please leave a comment below and I will give you more information. It will be in Kyoto University building.
See you then!

Construction Site Visit

Image Works Office is located in Building 6 of Kyoto Research Park.
There is a new building 9 that is under construction.
It looks very cool and Sawada san is interested in the building.
Today, we were invited to visit the Building 9 that is still under construction.
We put on the protection helmets and gloves and went up and down the new unfinished Building 9. It was a fun experience.
Building 9 is very spacious. It also has a very good view.
From the balcony of the offices, one can truly relax on a working day.
The roof-top is a good place for enjoying the street view nearby.

Building 9 will be finished in several months.
Sadly, I will not be able to see it as I am already leaving Kyoto in 18 days...
I will miss everything here.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Image Works Presentation for College Students of 2011!

Yesterday, we had a company presentation for College Students at Kyoto Research Park Building No.4.

I went there to meet new college students and introduced myself.

It was great seeing many talented young people who want to work for Image Works in the future!
I wish you all the best with your application!

If you are interested in becoming a staff of our company, please go to our website to see when the next Presentation is!

Here are some pictures I took yesterday, so you know how it will be like in the Image Works Presentation!
See you there!

At Our Reception Area: 
-Please arrive at least 15-30 minutes early with your CV, we will take your attendance.
And you will receive a Image Works Booklet and Questionnaire from us.

The Presentation:
Takes about 90 minutes.
Starts with Matsukawa san's welcoming speech.
President Sawada san's speech about Image Works Group.
 <<<5 - 10 minutes Break >>>
ITC, PC Support/Sumunet presentation.
Question and Answer time. (You can talk to our staff in groups.)

After the presentation, we had a evaluation meeting before we had lunch!
Sawada san was very nice to buy everyone bento box and drinks today! :)
Gochisou sama deshita!
